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My Book is Live


My Cinderella Story - A Dark Fairy Tale - Memoir Part 4 - The Plaid Prince


January 12, 2025

So excited, my book is live in both paperback and eBook. It has been quite the journey and although I am happy and excited to have this much done, I am also quite exhausted but must keep moving forward with my healing. It took a lot for me to write/relive this story and the other 3 are even more difficult than this one was, but I know that writing has helped me a lot so far in my healing journey, so I know I need to keep persevering.

The next step right now is to really promote Part 4 so I can get my story out there to help myself, yes, but to also help others who are in the same space I was in. I also plan turn it into an Audiobook and want to narrate it myself. I know my Parts (IFS Therapy) need to tell their story and I know it needs to be told in my matter how nasally I sound...I need it to flow the way I tell my stories...the way I lived it...the pain I suffered...the hope and happiness that then came from such darkness. I'm aiming to sell the audiobook on Kindle/Amazon as well, hoping I can produce it up to their standards...this will be the hard part as I don't have any equipment, and I am also not techy in the least...

Part 4 means the world to me as this is what has changed my life in such a beautiful, wonderful direction and I wanted to share that part first so that it could maybe lift others spirits who are living in the same predicament I too had endured. My heart goes out to you!

The story truly is a fantastic tale of hope and love, and although I know, I am a bit biased as I wrote it, I also was the lucky person to live it and want so much to share my newfound happiness with others. Life is hard. Sometimes it totally sucks. But sometimes, sometimes something comes along and can become the most amazing thing to ever happen...and that is what this story is to me. And when I share this story with others, I see them light right up, and this is how I knew I needed to share it with even more help bring light into their lives as well.

No, my life is not absolute peaches...God, I wish it was...if you've read my other blogs, you know I suffer daily...but I am trying every day to make it as great as I can, and I really want to let those who too have suffered like I have, and still do suffer, to know there is more out there then just suffering. Despite the suffering, there is still happiness and hope...there are days that are actually super awesome...and to top it all off...there is LOVE!!! Real Love, that is by your side no matter what. Who cheers you on to do your best, who holds your hand when you need the support, and who carries you when you're down and out. And that is what Part 4 is all about. It's about the Love that we all need, want and deserve. It is out there. We just need to not lose that hope, to keep working on healing ourselves, and we will find that Love!!!

I hope you find my story and that it brings some joy and light into your life!!!


Note: remember, this is still a dark fairy tale...there are a lot of deep dark triggers, just to warn you - the light comes from within the darkness.


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